Echo JS 0.11.0


tracker1 comments

tracker1 206 days ago. link 1 point
As much as I dislike Windows, and even in Windows will prefer WSL... Windows development is still a thing and I try to be friendly to Windows developers as much as reasonable.

That's why Concurrently exists even if there's Bash on Mac, Linux, BSD, etc.
tracker1 206 days ago. link 2 points
Feels a bit hyperbolic and don't strictly agree with the sentiment.
tracker1 207 days ago. link 1 point
One could simply share the same userId for expanded 1:1 fields, the schema itself is 1 to many, even if usage is 1:1 lookup.
tracker1 211 days ago. link 1 point
I stopped at the second question, which is just weird, and beyond that, the second question will never end the loop.

I'm not sure if this was AI generated, or what, but it's just incomplete or weird to say the least.
tracker1 214 days ago. link 1 point
Looks interested to say the least... Would be cool to get a similar interface for clients in ASP.Net (C#), Go, Python and Rust at the very least.
tracker1 222 days ago. link 2 points
Definitely not a great article... as it is, the Unicode character and surrogate detection isn't great, and even then doesn't really work right with the regexp for non-unicode surrogates.  The notation of byte length should probably be a blurb and jump right into the Unicode detection, surrogates being another, related issue, and even then, it's problematic at best.

Not to mention the benchmark at the end is kind of useless and doesn't include the Unicode aware methods.  Also, no mention of UCS-16 vs UTF-8 or other Unicode demarkation with strings in JS.

Definitely click-bait.
tracker1 222 days ago. link 2 points
No benchmarks for the Unicode methods, which I suspect would be the desired results...  The format of the article seems to spend too much effort on getting the byte length of a string, which is not the characters in a string.
tracker1 223 days ago. link 1 point
Definitely off topic... legality is murky, it's likely a TOS violation, which could rub against CFAA for US users.
tracker1 228 days ago. link 1 point
Wish theses were up on the YouTube channel... looks like the live streams are there, but separated videos would be nice.  Hopefully TBD.  I generally watch stuff like this in the Living Room via YT or other services.