Echo JS 0.11.0


tracker1 1785 days ago. link 1 point
One thing to note, is that with HTTP2+ if you can push many of the required baseline .mjs files to your client, or setup an appropriate manifest for offline caching it will dramatically improve performance.  Having a request based model will mean much lower load times over slower/intermittent networks (phone/wireless).

I really do think that this approach is the future, even if I'm not sure how well this will integrate with the broader JS community in the near term.  I also think there's maybe another year or two to flush out some adjacent utilities to help with initial load of projects like this into a browser.  I hope that a packaging system (deliver zip or tarball to browser) gets traction and takes hold.
tobiu 1785 days ago. link 1 point
native packaging is indeed a hot topic. the chromium team wants to do it:

no clue about when it will be ready & other browsers.

we can use a manifest (& service worker) for app related images & css.

regarding the .mjs files it is tricky though: the main thread is using very(!) few files in neo.mjs, while the app worker consumes a lot (most parts of the framework & app files).

as far as i know there is nothing like a manifest for the worker scope out there (did not search for it for a long time). please give me a heads up in case there is!
tracker1 1785 days ago. link 1 point
To my knowledge there really isn't such a thing, and it would likely need to be a server integration with http push for http2+.
tobiu 1785 days ago. link 1 point
I would like to highlight the neo.mjs framework once more.

First of all, thanks a lot for making it a top story on Hacker News on December 14th!

A lot has changed since then:

Chrome v80 got released => the neo dev mode online examples no longer require a flag to run.

You can now generate apps with the 1-liner "npx neo-app" & there is a default workspace repo in place (details here:

Several enhancements on the core (e.g. state management) are implemented.

Next on the todo list is finishing the real world app version 2 and afterwards create app examples which run inside multiple browser windows using shared workers for the Chrome v81 release.

As you know, Open Source relies on your feedback, so please take a moment and let me know what you like so far and what you would love to see next.

Thanks & best regards, Tobias