Echo JS 0.11.0

tobiu 1766 days ago. link parent 1 point
native packaging is indeed a hot topic. the chromium team wants to do it:

no clue about when it will be ready & other browsers.

we can use a manifest (& service worker) for app related images & css.

regarding the .mjs files it is tricky though: the main thread is using very(!) few files in neo.mjs, while the app worker consumes a lot (most parts of the framework & app files).

as far as i know there is nothing like a manifest for the worker scope out there (did not search for it for a long time). please give me a heads up in case there is!


tracker1 1766 days ago. link 1 point
To my knowledge there really isn't such a thing, and it would likely need to be a server integration with http push for http2+.