Two things I always try to enforce in code reviews are the use of map/reduce instead of for-loops when practical, and returning early from functions...
// instead of
fn() {
if (foo) {
//really long code block
} else {
//really short code block
// this
fn() {
if (!foo) {
// really short code block
return ...;
// less nested code case
It tends to happen a lot, and the function becomes much more clear when you can get out of it asap instead of deep nested blocks.
Exactly. Deep indentation pyramids are evil, but the pluck in the article is such a bad example. Pluck? How about a simple map? ` =>` Map, reduce, Object.keys and forEach, a one liner range, [ Set([])] uniques, so many wonderful things readily available with babel and friends :) Anonther favorite of mine is the async/yield pair, can make promise chains so much nicer!