Echo JS 0.11.0

tracker1 2914 days ago. link 1 point
Two things I always try to enforce in code reviews are the use of map/reduce instead of for-loops when practical, and returning early from functions...

    // instead of
    fn() {
      if (foo) {
        //really long code block
      } else {
        //really short code block

    // this
    fn() {
      if (!foo) {
        // really short code block
        return ...;

      // less nested code case

It tends to happen a lot, and the function becomes much more clear when you can get out of it asap instead of deep nested blocks.


xab 2914 days ago. link 2 points
Exactly. Deep indentation pyramids are evil, but the pluck in the article is such a bad example. Pluck? How about a simple map? ` =>` Map, reduce, Object.keys and forEach, a one liner range, [ Set([])] uniques, so many wonderful things readily available with babel and friends :) Anonther favorite of mine is the async/yield pair, can make promise chains so much nicer!