Echo JS 0.11.0

DustinBrett 913 days ago. link 1 point
Would love to understand why I get down votes. I am ok with it but with no comments Echo JS makes it hard to be a creator.


tracker1 913 days ago. link 1 point
I can't speak to any specific downvotes... but Top N lists are usually unwelcome as are framework comparisons... especially if there aren't metrics behind the why, what and how it is considered.

What is this list from, and why in this order?  What are the impacts of before/after, do you have test cases?

If you read the Steve Souders books on this, he specifically lists how/why and what tests were done to indicate the advice given.  While the specifics may change, the practice is usually what is expected.

TBH, when I see Top N lists, I usually remove them summarily for the reasons above.  Even if your tips are good advice, there's no why, and there's definitely no reasons behind them being the top... vs. what?  Testing, metrics, performance differences, etc should be included...

If you just went through the performance suggestions that Lighthouse goes through and what difference they make, that would probably be a more substantial article.  Make a completely unoptimized site/app then walk through the suggestions... there may be 25, there may be more, there may be less.

In the end, click bait titles, and comparison articles without metrics, meaning or rationale behind them are generally less well received.
DustinBrett 911 days ago. link 1 point
Thanks for the feedback. It's unfortunate it's considered a click bait title as the article was not meant that way. Seems like whichever way it's done, people hate it. As a content creator, I get tired of it tbh.

The article itself I stand behind as being good by my standards. But it didn't get much of a chance on Echo JS.

I likely won't post again on here, but I doubt anyone would care so it's whatever.
tracker1 882 days ago. link 2 points
It wasn't particularly click-baity, the all caps (and when people add emojis) is unwelcome by most.

The main point was that lists that don't have an associated method of *HOW* that list was generated, or why the said items are on that list etc, or mention of what was/wasn't included is significant.

When mentioning speed/performance/fast, it often comes down to metrics.  I've personally enjoyed your posts... I didn't downvote myself, I'm only speaking to why someone might have downvoted... And to me it largely comes down to "Top N for X" type lists that don't have any methodology are often deleted outright... framework/tool comparisons in particular are often low quality/listicles... I left this in as there's value to it.  I can't control how others vote.
DustinBrett 880 days ago. link 2 points
Ok you've convinced me to post here again. I see your comments a lot, like the one reigning in openreplay. I wish you and the site luck. Hopefully it gets bigger one day and the commenting increases. I like feedback.