Echo JS 0.11.0

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misan 1836 days ago. link 2 points
Diversity is fine, but forcing something is not really a good idea.

"Another thing that doesn’t encourage women to join the tech world as a tech employee is that software engineering is shown in the world like something complicated"

It is not like tech is purposely made hard for women. Everyone has the same access to learning material, why make it especially accessible to women? Everyone should benefit from making developer experience better. It is not like i am sitting in front of my and think "gee, how do i make this command reference accessible to women?" I don't get it.


egauci 1836 days ago. link 1 point
I read the blog entry and watched the video. I'm not sure that you did because the main message I saw was Ms. Danilec encouraging women to enter the field. That line you quoted was about about attitude, not making the technology more accessible. It's the Barbie doll "math is hard" thing. The message is to encourage women to take it on and not worry that it is too hard. She gave personal experience stories to show that technology is already accessible to women.

Nowhere did she suggest you should make the command reference accessible to women. It's a message of encouragement. Why would you be opposed to encouraging women to become developers?