Echo JS 0.11.0


sylvainpv comments

sylvainpv 806 days ago. link 1 point
This tim tam thing is a very funny and clever example to illustrate an obscure concept such as generators, well done. I would probably never use generators since the few times in my life where I needed custom iterators, someone else had written them for me on the Internet. But I enjoyed the read nonetheless.
sylvainpv 898 days ago. link 1 point
solution with reduce:

function compareTriplets(a,b) { 
    return a.reduce(([scoreA, scoreB], _, i) => [scoreA + (a[i] > b[i]), scoreB + (b[i] > a[i])], [0,0])
sylvainpv 1215 days ago. link -2 points
There's nothing wrong in forking a project and make it better.  Now the fork gets more stars than the original and the first author (which was was credited all along) is whining of jealousy. That's not the ugly side of open source, that's just a guy with an ego problem.
sylvainpv 2547 days ago. link 1 point
I have bad news for you. Phishing attacks do not even need a fake browser UI. Even if XFS attacks are almost all fixed today, you don't need an iframe: there are fake versions of thousands of websites out there, and some tools can automate this faking process while adapting to user language, OS, etc.
sylvainpv 2574 days ago. link 2 points
then you are configuring PostCSS and Sass, but parcel itself is zero config. I think Fusebox could learn a lot from the #0cjs trend, just like webpack did with v4
sylvainpv 2574 days ago. link 1 point
"People are still forced to configure it using package.json" > what are you talking about ?
sylvainpv 2576 days ago. link 1 point
Did you just post 6 news for 6 JS frameworks the same day ? Come on, give us a break !
sylvainpv 2593 days ago. link 1 point
this is an english website, post english content - un français
sylvainpv 2632 days ago. link 4 points
My own experience of mind-blowing one line of JavaScript is 
uncurry = Function.bind.bind(;

Now, the line of code in the article can be replaced by:;

It took me hours to figure it out