Echo JS 0.11.0


sylvainpv comments

sylvainpv 2647 days ago. link 1 point
A one-line module, really ? Seems like we did not learn anything after the leftpad fail
sylvainpv 2647 days ago. link 1 point
No problem, thanks for the details and your objectivity
sylvainpv 2673 days ago. link 3 points
Plagiarism is ridiculously obvious here. Do as you want, it is not my credibility that is at stake
sylvainpv 2673 days ago. link 4 points
The Get started button and the links in the sidebar have no effect, and as far as I can tell, there is no documentation at all at the moment. You should probably fix this before sharing your project.

Also, your logo is a plagiarism of Vue's one, and it seems there is no relation between Automic and Vue. This is very problematic.
sylvainpv 2720 days ago. link 3 points
The README could be improved. I don't understand what does the flatten array look like in the code example.
sylvainpv 2780 days ago. link 4 points
Just because we don't like JSX does not make us "HTML oriented engineers", if such a job exists. This is something I often hear and it always sounds arrogant to me.

I find it very presumptuous to claim that JSX will survive the next trend in web dev. JSX came with React and already cause issues today when used with other trendy tools like TypeScript (hence TSX). It is also very close to standard-compliant alternatives such as hyperx using template strings. Considering that JSX is far from reaching consensus outside of React community, I doubt that this is a lasting solution.
sylvainpv 2780 days ago. link 1 point
The "cognitive load" for Vue templates is totally exaggerated: the syntax is very readable and easy to remember. Do you really think that v-if and v-else are harder to remember than all the inline JSX tricks using && || ?: operators ? In the end, people reinvent the wheel and create their own custom DSL in JSX with utility functions/components like this one: 

Vue developers can use JSX since Vue 2.0 but most of us prefer using templates and single file components because they are clean, readable and easy to write. Also, JSX requires a transpilation step whereas it is optional for templates. It's hard to tell how JSX could be an improvement for us.
sylvainpv 2786 days ago. link 1 point
I tried it with Vue + Typescript, TS works perfectly but loading .vue files gives me trouble. Would be great if you could make a getlibs-vue-hello-ts repo as a starting base
sylvainpv 2803 days ago. link 5 points
How is this different than { condition && <MyComponent {...props} /> } ?