owly 3655 days ago. link 1 point ▲ ▼It would not be the first one. History is full of examples of overrated solutions sponsored by big players. One example: IBM Websphere, Oracle WebLogic, ...
owly 3718 days ago. link 1 point ▲ ▼very good site. user accounts should be done differently. I would like to log as in stackoverflow with my gmail.
owly 3731 days ago. link 0 point ▲ ▼angular is so overrated it's just incredible. I am an oldie. I remember java 1.0 and its promises. Angular success reminds me of EJB
owly 3733 days ago. link 1 point ▲ ▼I see the benefit of immutable objects. I don't see the benefit of a library to enforce it.