Echo JS 0.11.0

owly 3731 days ago. link 0 point
angular is so overrated it's just incredible.
I am an oldie. I remember java 1.0 and its promises.
Angular success reminds me of EJB


paprikka 3726 days ago. link 4 points
yeah, it is quite overrated, but there's a place for it (prototyping, getting some designers with a little bit of tech knowledge closer to the so called "design/ux unicorn" role).

btw, I think the biggest value of this post was the course discussion he was trying to keep, regardless of technology involved.
coffeeyesplease 3727 days ago. link 3 points
The EJB part really did make me laugh out loud.
Angular is not that bad. I've used it in one of my major projects and while it wasn't easy to learn all the new concepts, in the end it was well worth it. But like all projects it must evolve and unfortunately that also means adding more complexity and new concepts which will result on a steeper learning curve. It's a risk, but they have to take it.
o 3722 days ago. link 2 points
Angular is not overrated, Angular was a lot better option than the frameworkless jQuery code people were writing before it went mainstream. ES6/ES7 adds different syntax into javascript and Angular 1.3 was made with ES5 in mind, Angular 2.0 is made with ES6/ES7 in mind and actually influenced the spec