Well, if you need your CSS handled like you want for example. How about setting some plugins for PostCSS, configuring Sass (with parcel you do it using package.json), If you are building a large project you will need configs, sooner or later. How about aliases? I stop now ;-)
I will be posting benchmarks and comparison soon. Parcel.js claims to be "blazing fast", but that's not true. 2s seconds for HMR compared to 50ms in FuseBox. That's for starters.
Zero config - not true either. People are still forced to configure it using package.json
FuseBox is more flexible in many ways. Parcer.js doest's have tree shaking, FuseBox does it even on es5 code, and the algorithm is unique + Fuse does code optimisation making the output super light. I've just scratched the surface ;-)
It's the first class support, of course, we promote it. Making it easier to start with typescript!
And it's much faster. In 2.2.3-beta we have `useTypescriptCompiler` option, which allows you to transpile es6 code with typescript.
Babel is not left out,
For example, is based on babel.
No, We are not confusing it with anything.
There is a great PR going on. We are going to introduce HMR plugins, that will allow users to specify their own logic. Without altering the code.