▲ FuseBox - scary fast, performant and flexible bundler at github.com▼12 up and 4 down, posted by nchanged 2685 days ago 10 comments
nchanged 2684 days ago. link parent 2 points ▲ ▼Keep posting? Last time a link was posted was like 10 month ago. And we've got a new stable release here.
Hylix 2684 days ago. link 3 points ▲ ▼I am pretty sure in the meantime it has been posted, nonetheless in my opinion it would be cooler to see articles posted about what exactly is new about Fusebox instead of just a link to the repo.
bigopon 2683 days ago. link 1 point ▲ ▼Well people here are supportive but more straightforward in wording than usual. Very nice work.