Echo JS 0.11.0


chris-l comments

chris-l 3731 days ago. link 1 point
Nice to see the example using EchoJS :D

Getting comments I guess could be useful to following what people think about an article I posted.

Removing/editing comments could be useful for an admin to moderate, like replacing bad words, or automatically delete comments in case of plain obvious jerks (remove comments with racist slang, etc)
chris-l 3734 days ago. link 1 point
Heh interesting. And actually it make sense.

But, this is not JavaScript related...
chris-l 3741 days ago. link 1 point
Nice tips, but what it has to do being a hipster or not with this?
chris-l 3787 days ago. link 1 point
Is really refreshing to see a project that compiles JavaScript to another language, instead of the opposite!
chris-l 3800 days ago. link 2 points

By the way, I think it would be useful to have a "report link" button.
chris-l 3819 days ago. link 1 point
This article is from 2009 and it does not seem to work on Chrome 36 and firefox 30
chris-l 3826 days ago. link 2 points
Agree. The prototype paradigm is really powerful, but a lot of people feel lazy to learn it, and to learn how JavaScript actually works.

When ES6 comes out, people will finally get syntactic sugar classes included by default.
But, ES6 will still be a prototype-based language (yay!), its just that it will have the class keyword integrated.

Now, I'm not saying that syntactic sugar is bad at all.

Oh no, not at all; I'm pretty excited about arrow functions myself.

Is just that, even coding with ES6, I'm gonna still be trying to use `Object.create()` over classes and `new`, when possible ;)
chris-l 3827 days ago. link 4 points
Well, I mentioned my opinion on the other post, but I'll mention it again here.

My humble opinion is that EchoJS should stay JavaScript focused.

Now, the description of EchoJS "community-driven news site entirely focused on JavaScript development, HTML5, and front-end news." in conjunction with the content rule, makes sense since JavaScript main use is related with Web front-end projects. Since that its the main use, is normal that most of the news are going to be front-end related.

But as most of you (I'm betting all of you!) know, JavaScript is no longer a websites-only language. With nodejs and other cool projects like esprino, JavaScript is being used more and more for non-frontend related stuff.

If this site becomes about general front-end news, posting things like esprino here would not make a lot of sense.

The way I have been interpreting the conjunction of the description and the content rule is something like: "EchoJS is a community-driven news site entirely focused on JavaScript development. That includes news about HTML5 and front-end in general, as long they are related some way to JavaScript."

But that is only my personal interpretation. What you think about this?

(Of course, a compromise solution is possible; turning EchoJS to be officially a site with news about general frontend technologies (HTML+CSS+JS) AND non-frontend JavaScript-only projects. But IMHO, that sounds somewhat wrong. What are your thoughts about that?)
chris-l 3827 days ago. link 1 point
Oh, I did that comment, as you probably can guess, for the, in "General rules for posting" clearly state:
"JavaScript related content only"

But then I started thinking that perhaps I was wrong since thinking about it, I'm pretty sure those videos must also talk about how to manipulate CSS from JavaScript.

Yeah, sometimes I have seen some non-JavaScript-related, front-end news here.
I guess some people would argue that EchoJS should be more like a general front-end news site, that covers HTML5 and CSS with the same importance as JavaScript; more like a "Echo-Web-FrontEnd", instead of just focusing on JavaScript.

Personally, I prefer if it stays as a JavaScript focused site, just the way it is right now. But that is only my opinion.

I see CSS posts that are non-JavaScript-related out of place here, the same way I would see out of place a post about SQL that is not related some way with JavaScript.

But hey! Sorry! I wasn't trying to annoy you or imply that the list of CSS videos is not useful.

I just mentioned it because the rules for posting
clearly state that the posts' content *must* be JavaScript related (that and also that they must be on English), not because I don't think a collection of CSS related videos are not useful to the people who visits EchoJS; all the opposite! That list is going to be really useful.