Echo JS 0.11.0


chris-l comments

chris-l 3829 days ago. link 0 point
This does not seem to be JavaScript related.
chris-l 3833 days ago. link 1 point
No, is not a bug. The Array.prototype.slice() is a generic method and can be used with array-like objects.

"The slice function is intentionally generic; it does not require that its this value be an Array object."

It pretty much works with any object that has a "length" property.

Keep in mind he is using it with ".call()", so he can use that object as "this".

Read about it here:
chris-l 3836 days ago. link 2 points
Wait, what? How is TJ Holowaychuk abandoning nodejs for Go "a good chance for ME to learn Go"?

haha, perhaps my comment made me sound like I was a super big fan of Holowaychuk, but no; since he was very active on the JavaScript community, I started to following him on github. And that is because I'm very interested on JavaScript and related projects.

(This comment made me chuckle: I imagined myself like I was a silly teen saying something like "omgz, TJ is using Go now! omgz omgz let's learn Go asap!" hahah)

So no, I'm not gonna try Go just because he is using it now XD
chris-l 3839 days ago. link 1 point
I was one of his followers on github until like a week ago.
I started to following him to see interesting JavaScript projects.

But a week ago I realized that my news feed has been for some time almost nothing but things like:

* visionmedia starred abc/go-*
* visionmedia starred def/*-go
* visionmedia starred ghi/someothergoproject

I guess that's why I'm not surprised.
chris-l 3861 days ago. link 2 points
The about page has the rules for EchoJS. About what is acceptable content here, there are only 2 rules:

* JavaScript related content only
* English content only

So, I dare to say if your app is JavaScript related (and its language is english) is okay.

A JavaScript related app would be like a jslint-clone or something like that.

Since I guess you mean more like "I want you guys to try my app, that is NOT about JavaScript, but was coded on JavaScript".

So I *guess* the answer is that is NOT okay, unless you are going to post the REPO url where you have the (JavaScript based) source code of your app and what you want us to check is it's code. In that case, I think is ok.

I'm not sure, however. But posting the url of mediacenterjs seems to be okay.

That app is about playing media, not about JavaScript. But, its open source and we can check the code.

Then again, I'm not sure. Just keep in mind this is, not

Check the about page:
chris-l 3866 days ago. link 2 points
Heh, reminds me to the old (really old!) "play" command that some BASIC implementations had!
chris-l 3870 days ago. link 1 point
Oh wow, I can't vote it up enough! Really amazing. But perhaps, my amazement has more to do with raycasting.
chris-l 3871 days ago. link 1 point
Is is open source? I wasn't able to find a link for the source code.
chris-l 3873 days ago. link 1 point
I think the title should be edited to include "for Windows".

What other software? How about Gvim?
chris-l 3887 days ago. link 1 point
Nice article, but come on! It is not JavaScript related!