Echo JS 0.11.0


PixelCraft comments

PixelCraft 1452 days ago. link -8 points
Don't know what you mean but why do you care about EchoJS if you were not even a member?
PixelCraft 1452 days ago. link -8 points
So you created an account just to post this bullshit?
PixelCraft 1452 days ago. link -2 points
Making Bot isn't the difficult part, EchoJS limits account creation by IP address, so, only difficult thing is to send request from different IP address everytime. How I achieved that is a secret, contact me elsewhere if you want to know. Find me at
PixelCraft 1452 days ago. link -2 points
I didn't intend to stay anonymous, Cowards deleted my original account, else, I had given all my information there.
PixelCraft 1452 days ago. link -3 points
That's not an excuse to not having moderation, If it's not possible to have that, they should simply shut down this community.