PixelCraft 1496 days ago. link -2 points ▲ ▼In the end, it will result in EchoJS having better moderation, it will be beneficial for everyone. Thank me later.
PixelCraft 1497 days ago. link -6 points ▲ ▼Agree with your last statement, I don't give a shit about it, It's not my job to give a shit, creating a community without moderation is stupidity and EchoJS deserves every bit of this.
PixelCraft 1498 days ago. link -7 points ▲ ▼Everything is correct just that those were legit upvotes and not bots.
PixelCraft 1504 days ago. link -2 points ▲ ▼I haven't admitted to use of any bots, neither denied it, It's good enough to be in top.