Echo JS 0.11.0


MaxArt comments

MaxArt 2959 days ago. link 1 point
Well, a bit, yes. Sometimes you get thrown off by some mistake that in the best case makes you stutter and distracts you, and in the worst it makes you misunderstand the meaning. As chris-l pointed out, the title itself suffers from this problem, as it sounds like you think *closures* are wrong!

I bet that's why you got 4 downvotes here, even though your article has good points.

As a non-native English speaker myself - and coming from a Romance language, too - I understand the difficulties of being fluent in English, as that's something that could be achieved with a lot of practice. Just like any other language, after all.

You write in English to make your content accessible to an international public, so it's better to get some proofreading help until you're confident to do that on your own.
MaxArt 2960 days ago. link 1 point
Wave was a disaster in terms of presentation :) and now it's dead. The products I mentioned still exist.
MaxArt 2960 days ago. link 2 points
I'm not sure if you actually meant they're "wrong" when in your post you mainly rant about how they're often wrongly explained - which could be generally agreeable.

But surely they don't feel anything like "miraculous" once you grasp the basic concepts - and you have them right in example 2. Why should example 3 feel different?

You should also mention - in 2016 - that using `let` instead of `var` in the last example completely changes the outcome.

On a side note, take care of your English grammar.
MaxArt 2960 days ago. link 3 points
It's a demo - let us decide if it's cool or not.
MaxArt 2960 days ago. link 1 point
I'm honestly intrigued by the reasons of those who downvoted the article. It looks like a generally agreeable opinion to me, but maybe I'm missing some points of view.

Is there someone who voted down that can explain the reasons?
MaxArt 2963 days ago. link 2 points
Babel isn't what it used to be, i.e. a tool to transpile code. Now it's a framework that offers the code's AST to plugins for transformations.
It could be transpilation, but extensively it could be as simple as comment removal or minification. So yes, Babel still does *one* thing, but so does every Babel plugin.
MaxArt 2967 days ago. link 2 points
I'm shaking my head here. You're missing the point.

The article is about non-costructive criticism, towards every software in general, but specifically OSS. There are people that do that on their spare time and don't get a dime for that. They keep on thanks to the moral support and active contribution of the community.

Even if you're somewhat "forced" to use Angular (you can always leave your job for greener pastures anyway - it's not like a good developer usually has a hard time finding a new position), you have to keep in mind that it's a framework that got and still gets a huge amount of work done. You should respect that and the choice of a lot of people that based their work on Angular and, overall, the efforts of all those who contributed.

There are a lot of reasons behind every choice that's ever made, and only because you're not seeing them you shouldn't dismiss them with something like "Pah! It's just MARKETING!"

Yes, Google pushed Angular a lot. But it's not like everything that Google pushed got the same amount of success, like Dart, or Chrome OS, or Google+. It had this success because a giant like Google is *committed* to the project, granting the mid-to-long term support which is needed in the business.

It also had its success because Angular has undeniable advantages, like being a complete framework for web applications, easily allowing things like dependency inversion and unit/e2e testing, and promoting good SOLID concepts.

In the end, ranting and bashing might relieve your spirit for a moment, but it doesn't get your job done and doesn't help solving your problems either. We're lucky enough to have a vast and responsive community around, so we can always rely on it if we pose ouselves in the right way.
MaxArt 2970 days ago. link 6 points
I feel the author is missing several points about Angular, and Angular 2 in general.

As a premise, I too feel Angular 2 is somewhat over-engineered, the template syntax is pretty much WTF and it's easily misused. Not to mention the docs are indeed pretty poor.

Other points are quite off, though. Wrapping native APIs is something meant for dependency injection, to make testing your components easier. It's not the result of NIH syndrome.

Moreover, TypeScript isn't supposed to be "safe" in any way. You'd be a fool to think so, since it's a *superset* of JavaScript (i.e., JS compiles as TS just fine). TypeScript is a tool to speed up development and catch the most common pitfalls in coding, especially large codebases.

In short, Angular - especially Angular 2 - isn't a framework for beginners. It requires time, dedication and experience. Just like RxJS and observables (remember they're coming to JavaScript natively sooner or later).

That being said, I feel we're going to abandon frameworks like Angular soon: they feel too much like a kitchen sink for web development. Better starting with a skeleton like React and adding libraries for what you need.
Also Vue is indeed great.