Echo JS 0.11.0

MaxArt 2894 days ago. link parent 3 points
> Ok, as I said for another commenter, it seems that you missed the point.

Or maybe you haven't been clear enough?

> Eric and Feross were _examples_.

In fact, I said "for example Eric Elliott..." Can't I use your own examples?

> my post aim to _ask_ what you people think about it, if we can do something about if, if you think it's ok like this, if you feel the same way I do.

And that's exactly what I posted.
Or maybe you don't think I did because that wasn't the answer you were expecting?


tenofirian 2893 days ago. link 0 point
> Or maybe you haven't been clear enough?

I may have not been clear enough, sorry about that, but I hope my point is clear now.

> In fact, I said "for example Eric Elliott..." Can't I use your own examples?
Sure you can, it just wasn't clear for me that you were using your own examples instead of following one of my own, my mistake.

> And that's exactly what I posted.
> Or maybe you don't think I did because that wasn't the answer you were expecting?

Well, it's not exactly what you posted. I didn't expect an answer, but a _kind_ of answer. I wasn't expecting to be supported, but I was expecting something that answered the question: "What do you think about it? Do you think it could be changed somehow?". When I say "What do you think about it?" I'm asking what do you think about arrogancy in the community, not only regarding lack of communication skills, but as a whole, I've worked with people that changed the lang they worked with because of JS community and it makes me sad. When I ask "Do you think it could be changed somehow?" I mean the whole community, not just "if everything's fine with you", I don't suffer from its arrogancy but I see people suffering, the answer is not based on _me_, I was asking regarding the community.

Both your answers seem to be trying to convince _me_ that I shouldn't be posting about it (correct me with examples if I'm wrong, please), that I should ignore it and remember they're wonderful people. I know they're wonderful people, but I think there's still room for improvement on the community, I'm just not sure how exactly, but I think the whole community could discuss it, that's why I posted here.