Echo JS 0.11.0


MaxArt comments

MaxArt 1611 days ago. link 3 points

It's the third time in reporting this.
Can some mod do something about it?
MaxArt 1613 days ago. link 1 point

Time to ban this user and delete all the news posted, isn't it?
MaxArt 1613 days ago. link 1 point
Off topic.

It's Echo JS, not Echo CSS.
MaxArt 1620 days ago. link 1 point
Hard to break it to you, but...
Nobody is using QCObjects.

> express: insanely fast
Huh, no. It's just fast enough for most things. But if you really need performance, you don't use express. Use Fastify or plain Node.
MaxArt 1625 days ago. link 2 points


Of all the things I expected to be spammed here, I wasn't expecting *this* =__=
MaxArt 1632 days ago. link 1 point
Interesting tech stack you used for just a comic strip 👍