Ask EJ: What part of JavaScript I use is F*cking up my site?
▼3 up and 1 down, posted by
3 up and 1 down, posted by
So I just finished a site for a school project. You can find it at There's a problem on Chrome (and probably Safari, Opera, and IE) where the JavaScript on the page is creating white space on the right side. I had someone report to me that when they turned JS off, it went away. I tried adding overflow-x: hidden;, and it worked on Firefox, so I thought it would work everywhere and pushed the site. Turns out I was wrong. Any help/advice is greatly appreciated. My question: which part of the JavaScript code is creating the white space on the right side of the screen in Chrome (and probably others)? Additional question: Do you know what I can do to solve it? Again, my site: