Echo JS 0.11.0


jylauril 3944 days ago. link 6 points
I don't get the point about this post.

I do understand why he can't be a CEO anymore and I totally agree that his view on marriage equality is horrible, but are we now trying to say that he shouldn't have any job ever again?

And I'm not trying to defend him or anything, but if we started denying jobs from people based on their personal views, I don't think 90% of the internet would have a job after that.

Or are we afraid that his personal views will somehow affect the JavaScript as a language? Soon we can't close an empty string with a matching quote, because they're not heterogenous enough?

Did I miss the point?
basicallydan 3943 days ago. link 3 points
This isn't news.

Enough is enough. The man has an opinion and funded some ideas that the majority of us happen to disagree with. That doesn't make him a criminal, or worthy of the stockade.

Maybe he's not the best figurehead for CEO, but that shouldn't stop him from doing his job; a job that he's good at.

If you have enough karma to downvote this post, I would recommend that you do.
chris-l 3942 days ago. link 1 point
In the past, if you had a religious view against the norm, you were looked down and receive different kind of attacks.

Now we think we are modern and tolerant.

But the truth is that you only get tolerance if you think the way is politically correct.

In the moment you have a different idea that is against from what the majority of people think about what is wrong or right, people will point at you and call you "intolerant", not very different from the way they used to point at you and yell "fornicator!" in the past.

Now, I'm NOT defending his ideas, but I think that being CEO or not, ideally should have nothing to do with them.
But this post is even worse.

So now not only he can't be CEO of mozilla, something that is not gay marriage related, but also it seems he should not have a job at all. Whats next? Spit at him on the street?

Tolerance is about to tolerate something you DON'T agree.
It's not about ONLY "tolerate" things you actually like and agree.