Echo JS 0.11.0


chris-l 3920 days ago. link 2 points
"The problem with JavaScript is not that it is a dynamically typed prototype based object-oriented language without classes. That is actually JavaScript’s strength."

Bravo! Agree, loose typing is great.
orefalo 3920 days ago. link 1 point
It depends on the perspective:

If the code is throw away and maintained by experts, loose typing is certainly an option.

I you are building something huge that should last 10-20 years and be maintain be mediocre developers, no unit testing. Strong typing can certainly help.

The perfect language probably lands in the middle.

Either ways, the article points the problem pretty well: JS is a poorly designed language. A piece of crap really, when compared to other recent languages. Unfortunately it seems to own the browser - so there is only one way out -> make it better.

As far as TS, it has its issues. and yes it should probably do a better job at fixing JS discrepancies.