Echo JS 0.11.0


martindek 4027 days ago. link 5 points
I was already sick and tired from process forking.. Wanna try this asap!!!!!
pokani 4026 days ago. link 4 points
@egecan: on current node.js design you can't run the 'node.js' code in a separate context! although there are solutions, they are limited to compiling JS on v8 (webworker).. Since the design is not supporting that (lots of static variables in original code! and much more..) you can't do it by developing addin etc.. 

Simply, implementing multithread capabilities 'properly' into node is a big structural change and requires a fork.
egecan 4021 days ago. link 1 point
@pokani I'm simply pointing to the fact that the whole node ecosystem is built by assuming that node is single-threaded. When multiple threads are necessary, most people write it as a native extension and provide a callback to the JS world. I'm not discouraging you or anything. I love innovation. I just want to understand how this helps me. I see, that one may start pushing blocking operations to other threads, but doesn't it make sense to do such operations on a lower level anyway? I also think that this fork is too tied to a web framework.
pokani 4020 days ago. link 1 point
as far as I saw from the documentation, you can even run your existing node.js app as a separate thread. And there is no lock etc. thing since there is no context sharing.. I would prefer multiple threads and instances of my solution + multiple processes. instead single process + single thread. In other words, how about clustering both internally and externally ?
egecan 4026 days ago. link 4 points
Node.js supports c++ plugins. Unless you make it clear exactly why you needed a fork of it instead of a plugin, people will get confused. JavaScript is designed to be single threaded. The implementation may run async functions on other threads but programmers usually have no option to force spawn threads. If you need to spawn threads, write a native extension which does. I understand it may have taken a lot of work and I really appreciate the effort but we don't have any information about the real purpose of this (what can we do now that we previously couldn't?)
bevacqua 4027 days ago. link 4 points
How is nodeJX different from Node.js? Other than many structural changes and small features, it supports multithreading, hence it is much more responsive and faster to run server side logic.

Haha. Right.
pokko 4027 days ago. link 1 point
Gents! Isn't it too early to say something? We needed this feature for our product development. It worked for us hence we thought it may work for others. Besides, Multithreading is not the only thing comes with nodeJX. We implemented other things and wanted to share with the public. We love node.JS! and want to do more with it. Thanks!

disc: I'm a nodeJX team member.
FaisalAbid 4027 days ago. link 1 point
I think this is a bad idea. It defeats the purpose of Node.js imo.
jvorhauer 4028 days ago. link 0 point
The site,, does not work in Chrome 33.0.1750.22 dev :-(