Echo JS 0.11.0

bevacqua 4213 days ago.
I wanted to share with you guys a response to an article I posted, which should actually be an article in itself.

Is it just me, or this "noaccountrequired" fellow has deluded himself into thinking I believe I'm some kind of master of the universe, or maybe he thinks I didn't mean it when I said I was going to talk about modern web technology?

What amazes me most is how he made it a point to correct even the grammatical mistakes I might have made, as if it were his mission to prove he was more knowledgeable on the subject, or that I cared if he was.

Delusions of grandeur?

rsnickell 4213 days ago. link 2 points
Impressive.  Someone with that much time to critique moot datapoints must be a master of the universe.  

I love how he suggests you increase your comment character limit at the end. 

You better remove those links to "Stalk me all over the Internet"!
bevacqua 4213 days ago. link 1 point
Yeah, he really took it personally.

You should look at the HN post, good stuff.
pablojim 4210 days ago. link 1 point
Very strange. He seems to be very knowledgeable - what a shame his efforts are misdirected.
olalonde 4212 days ago. link 1 point
This reminds me of one time I linked to a Github pull request on IRC and some random dude commented on about every single line of code to criticize my style. Felt pretty weird.
tjansen 4212 days ago. link 1 point
My guess would be that he either knows you personally or you did something to really piss him off. In any case, I think that's a comment (or 10) that I would consider deleting.
arnorhs 4212 days ago. link 1 point
Yeah, so this is a pretty good lesson. The internet is filled with "haters" and a lot of people will criticize almost anything anybody writes.

If the comments are negative and don't provide value or are rude, your best bet is to simply ignore.

People will talk and comment as if they know everything (this comment included), so it can often feel very aggressive.

Respond and form relationships with your commenters who are positive and provide constructive criticism.

Good article.

Ignore the haters.