Echo JS 0.11.0


fcambus 4220 days ago. link 3 points
Definitely looks really nice from what I saw on the screencast :) Will try to test it as soon as possible!

I bookmarked Pure when it was announced, glad to see you put it to good use :D I'm looking forward to use it on a project, the layouts are simply beautiful.
fcambus 4220 days ago. link 1 point
Bookmarked, thanks! Looks like a great resource, will come handy for sure.
jylauril 4221 days ago. link 3 points
This is awesome. Just the thing I have been looking for.
I was thinking about building something like that when I saw the MacGap code:

So yes, please do make this public. I'd love to use it.
qawemlilo 4219 days ago. link 2 points
I have downloaded and tried the demo, great job! Some links are not working though.
sbruchmann 4219 days ago. link 1 point

The screencast was just a proof of concept.

I am currently rewriting the application from scratch, Because originally it wasn’t intended for public use.
sbruchmann 4221 days ago. link 3 points
Not yet, but I will publish the source on GitHub as soon as possible.

At the moment, the code for EchoJS Desktop is a terrible nightmare of code and I am not willing to show it to anyone in fear of losing my reputation.

Stay tuned! ;)
pid 4221 days ago. link 2 points
>At the moment, the code for EchoJS Desktop is a terrible >nightmare of code and I am not willing to show it to anyone >in fear of losing my reputation.

now your reputation is gone ;-))))
but I think, you are exaggerating


looks nice, so ... do not make it exciting and publish it :)
sbruchmann 4220 days ago. link 2 points
No, node-webkit is cross platform, so the app will be available for Linux, Windows and OS X.