Echo JS 0.11.0

sdepold 1178 days ago.
Sequelize is back with a new (or old?) core team :) The team is working hard to get a grip on the sheer amount of tickets that has been piling up since early 2021 and has merged ~30 PRs in the last few weeks.

Besides a good amount of fixes and improvements to the type definitions, v6.9.0 is shipping a couple of general bug fixes as well as support for MySQL 8.

If you are using Sequelize then you might be interested in the recently shipped changes:

Bonus: You are a happy user of Sequelize and would like to give back to the engineering team behind it? We have recently created an OpenCollective based money pool ( which is shared amongst all core maintainers based on their contributions. Every support is wholeheartedly welcome. ❤️

fallanic 1176 days ago. link 1 point
Sequelize is awesome, I have used it a lot these past few years actually. 
Thanks for the great work guys 👍