Echo JS 0.11.0


singhsaab 1315 days ago. link 2 points
This will not work perfectly in case if your website is responsive. For the mobile version in bootstrap, we set different media queries. Here while rendering it ignores all the media queries which uses by different devices. I wasted an hour by following this, copy-paste manually each green-colored section. In the end, I came to know its works only for the desktop version. For mobile need to process same and then mobile and desktop version has some common CSS again this duplicate my CSS file.

One question, have you really tried this yourself? I find this total waste of time 1314 days ago. link 1 point
hello! Thanks for your comment! for me it was useful. did not go one by one, but was useful to point some JS we were not using, and from that, we were able to branch out and remove all the unused parts.  For CSS was also usable because we had prefixes (bem style) and after we had one lead we could remove multiple parts.
jaleksic 1311 days ago. link 1 point
@singhsaab you could and should have thought of this in advance, and also double checked on responsive modes. 
In any case, despite of not reaching the conclusion, you learned something and even shared that knowledge with others- that's good! :)