Echo JS 0.11.0


tracker1 1540 days ago. link 1 point
In practice, I'm generally using Redux for almost everything.  Two areas I am not is specifically strings/language and sometimes with Forms.  I use context for language, and may use state or context for forms.

One thing that is a side effect I explicitly do with language/strings is that the current/selected language as well as the current language strings are accessible as globals in the language/strings module(s).  This is only so that they are accessible in error messages/conditions that might be in an Action or Reducer.  It's "sloppy" but effective.

For the components, I use "useStrings()" which gets the current strings from context.

I also use the browser language events as well as an override in the UI that override is set in redux and those events update the current strings to use in context and globally.