My Experience with TypeScript
▼5 up and 0 down, posted by
5 up and 0 down, posted by
Hi people, I'm Nak. I've been coding for around half a year now, and built some projects too. And for the past 5 weeks, I've been working on an open source project, and it's been quite a journey. This was my first time coding in TypeScript, and it was a lot of hitting blocks and learning. Through this project, I have become more familiar with typing, which for me who started coding in plain javascript, was very foreign. But i definitely saw the benefits of typing even though everything was so much of hassle and error-throwing(T.T) as the compile time errors prevented runtime errors! If anyone would like to take a look at it, and give me a comment, I would really appreciate it, since I am still in the learning phase. Also I would really be grateful for a star (wink)!