Echo JS 0.11.0

<~> 1631 days ago.
I am curious with what do you guys struggle the most when working with CSS? For me, it's the layout (putting things in the wanted place on the page) and working with big legacy files.

chadams 1631 days ago. link 2 points
Mine is flexibility. Our project receives almost constant changes and redesigns. This can easily make css styles messy and hard to manage with all the revisions. Past few years I have tried to solve this with styled-components (we use React) however, I have found TailwindCSS to be indispensable for new projects. 1631 days ago. link 2 points
wow! I think you are the forth person who tells me about TailwindCSS today :)) Thanks. Will have to check it out for sure
MaxArt 1631 days ago. link 0 point
Tailwind is a workaround, but it's not the answer.

The answer is a solid design system.
MaxArt 1631 days ago. link 1 point
Personally, I have no problem with CSS. I love CSS.

So, usually it's explaining the others that throwing declarations until they see something stick isn't the right way to do CSS...
tracker1 1631 days ago. link 1 point
At work, we're doing mostly Material-UI (React) and that uses JSS with a theme in the application.  I find that using JSS with the extensions mui adds is harder to grasp for developers without good examples, but as the applications have matured, the use has as well.

I think JSS in general at a component level is easier than application CSS via more traditional approaches including BEM and others.