Echo JS 0.11.0

tracker1 1877 days ago.
Just curious as to how everyone feels about articles on Dart (language) and Flutter (ui platform)?

While it does compile down to JS and run in the browser, similar to TypeScript and CoffeeScript, it's a bit further from JS and am torn when I see articles on them as to let them stand or remove them.

What do you guys think?

jaleksic 1876 days ago. link 2 points
I think that compiles-to-js doesn't count in this context, because that can be said about a great many languages. And I think what makes typescript different here is that it's a superset of Javascript. Coffeescript, well. Haven't seen it much lately :)
Also, personally I am not interested in webassembly articles on echojs although I am interested in the technology - I think it's simply a differently world, and probably deserves and has it's own community. I have a similar opinion about flutter and dart.

If I were interested in let's say HTML and had an aggregator for that, I wouldn't want react or JS there, even if we use it to produce HTML.
moliper 1877 days ago. link 2 points
Personally I like them as long as they aren't spam or low quality. I totally get that Flutter might not be a good fit on this website but people posts off-topic links anyway.