Echo JS 0.11.0

maitraysuthar 1667 days ago.
Hello Everyone,

I have created a boilerplate application for API development built with Nodejs, ExpressJs, MongoDB.



- Basic Authentication (Register/Login with hashed password)

- Account confirmation with 4 (Changeable) digit OTP.

- Email helper ready just import and use.

- JWT Tokens, make requests with a token after login with Authorization header with value Bearer yourToken
where yourToken will be returned in Login response.

- Pre-defined response structures with proper status codes.

- Included CORS.

- Book example with CRUD operations.

- Validations added.

- Included API collection for Postman.

- Light-weight project.

- Test cases with Mocha and Chai.

- Code coverage with Istanbuljs (nyc).

- Included CI (Continuous Integration) with Travis CI.

- Linting with Eslint.

Any feedback suggestions are much appreciated. Pull requests are welcome.

Have a nice day!