▲ Dan Abramov teaches me React Hooks at www.twitch.tv▼2 up and 0 down, posted by krasimir 2122 days ago 7 comments
tracker1 2119 days ago. link 2 points ▲ ▼I'm one of the moderators. (for reference, I do try to clear the spam out a couple times a day).
bluebill1049 2118 days ago. link 1 point ▲ ▼nice! thanks for keep spam out. Do we allow to re-post github propject again after say 4 months later?
tracker1 2116 days ago. link 2 points ▲ ▼I'm not certain anyone would necessarily notice, but would probably stick to significant releases.
tracker1 2119 days ago. link 1 point ▲ ▼Pretty much... doesn't bug me too much, but an annoyance all the same. Need to remember to take a look from home as I'm interested in seeing the video. May look to see if it's been cross-posted to youtube.