Echo JS 0.11.0


jaleksic 2173 days ago. link 1 point
Very promising concept, and the docs and examples are very good reads! Thumbs up!

I was surprised to see that targeting multiple classes happens with a query selector, as in: className="btn-primary.disabled".
I had expected className="btn-primary disabled" as it feels more natural. I imagine the implementation overhead for that feature would be worth it, but of course I don't know any details.
callum_hart 2173 days ago. link 1 point
Thanks for the kind words!

That's a really good point about the query selector.

The compiler uses dot notation to store a reference to each ruleset which looks like this "element.class.modifierClass". The reason for the dot in multiple classes was more for implementation convenience than anything else (never a good reason).

I much prefer your suggestion (space between multiple classes versus a dot), and having looked at the code it shouldn't be that difficult to support. I will create an issue in GH.

Thanks again!
jaleksic 2171 days ago. link 1 point
I'll give this a test ride with the next prototype project! I wonder how it turns out in practice, and what kind of caveats await, but again, I really think it looks promising!