Tell EJS: Goodbye 2018 and Echo JS
▼29 up and 1 down, posted by
29 up and 1 down, posted by
tl;dr: I'm leaving Echo JS due to lifestyle changes. The personal goals I have set myself for 2019 are contrary to the tasks and duties of the moderation on Echo JS. For this reason, I am stepping down as a moderator. I am very grateful to the community and together we have achieved a lot. But after 2582 days it's time for me to move on. I used to write code day in and day out for years on end often without sleep. At first I didn't notice how my mental and physical health began to detoriate. But now in my late twenties I have to face the consequences of living the lifestyle of a stereotypical nerd of the mid-ninetees. Having a memory like a sieve and next to no motivation to do anything at all are now a common occurence. Leaving the tech-industry helped at first but I still couldn't be arsed to employ a more active lifestyle. In order to change this I recently switched jobs again and moved to another city to start a new life. But the urge of checking Echo JS and other tech-news sites continued. I still sat in front of the computer for hours and hours. As of today, I'm going to block all tech-related sites and social networks, including Echo JS, on a DNS-Level for an indefinite period. In addition, all programming tools will be uninstalled from the system, and work-in-progress code will be deleted. To everyone who is starting in the IT field: work-life-balance is a thing. Sitting in front of a screen for 18 hours a day 7 times a week is not worth it no matter how much you are getting paid. Your life is more important. Please don't waste it. Finally, I would like to express special thanks to people whose charitable work has made life much easier for me and others in recent years: @wooorm for retext, remark and the corresponding ecosystem. @sindresorhus for awesome-(cli,electron,nodejs) and the numerous microlibraries on npm. @bevacqua for And last but not least: @echojs and @fcambus for creating and maintaining Echo JS for almost a decade. Best wishes Steffen Bruchmann