Echo JS 0.11.0


tracker1 2241 days ago. link 2 points
I didn't vote down, but it's yet another front end framework, I'm not sure serves a better use case than Vue or other existing options.
anywhichway 2241 days ago. link 1 point
I certainly understand your point. Many of the concepts were developed internally prior to hyperHTML getting to the point it is today. If I bailed on TLX, I would go with hyperHTML. hyperApp is cool, but it kind of feels like reverse Polish notation on a calculator at times (dating myself!). Technically nothing new to learn but a whole different way of thinking. React is feeling pretty clunky, is lacking some key features, and is pretty opinionated. And, although Vue is probably easier for many to grasp than React, it also seems more complex than needed at times. And, it is also a good bit bigger than many other options. The main current plus of TLX is rapid spin-up with direct templating and the opportunity for almost full separation of concerns. JSX options make it so hard to do that. A lot comes down to  the profile of the team required to do a particular job both in size and skill sets.