Echo JS 0.11.0


kornflexx 2245 days ago. link 2 points
It's pretty cool that you tried to make your own library but I am not sure it have its place here.

You look beginner, so I will give your some advices.

your props called "changeCurrentStep" is an event, so it should be prefix by "on". Because you have only one controlling props "currentStep" I think a simple "onChange" will fit right as a name for this callback.

Don't forget the prop classname that have to be passed to the wrapper (in your render method).

In your stepper component don't use "componentWillReceiveProps" (it is deprecated now). Use getDerivedStateFromProps instead.

I am pretty sure your code throw warning if you don't have style props set. (Not sure if '' is a valid value, I think it throw a warning if you don't put an object).

You should keep learning before thinking about publishing library on npm.