Echo JS 0.11.0

sbruchmann 2257 days ago.
Hello Echo JS,

The site is seven years old today!

As usual, some quick statistics:

25254 news posted (9.87 per day on average)
10150 users
12410 followers on Twitter

For reference, here are anniversary posts from the previous years:

- Echo JS is one year old:
- Echo JS is two years old:
- Echo JS is three years old:
- Echo JS is four years old:
- Echo JS is five years old:
- Echo JS is six years old:

You can also follow us on Twitter (@echojs) if you haven't already:


Technically, November 17th is the actual birthday of Echo JS but I accidentally entered the wrong date in my calendar. Sorry.

spalger 2257 days ago. link 2 points
Woohoo! Here's to another 7!!
(sent with balloons)
pid 2253 days ago. link 1 point
Happy Birthday, great work :thumbup: