Echo JS 0.11.0

<~> 2303 days ago.
A couple years ago was the boom of JavaScript frameworks, and we still having a blast of tool relate it to it, but something that I've read a lot lately is static web page generator build with Go, React JS, Vue JS even CMS for it

just wonder if it's a good move to switch any server website to static page

misan 2303 days ago. link 1 point
The initial investment is still a bit higher than traditional SSR.

I think isomorphic generated pages are on the rise, but the learn curve to get there and understand that is a bit tough. I think what nuxt does: a mix of SSR and static generated will be highly on demand for its ease of use, once you grasp it, control via one language/framework.

My stack right now is strapi/nuxt.
Or for documentation it is vuepress.