Echo JS 0.11.0


parroit 2447 days ago. link 1 point
libui-node implements node bindings for libui, an awesome native UI library for Unix, OSX and Windows.

The new release includes:

* Add new event-loop example to test event loop stuff.
* Fixed setTimeout & setInterval.
* Other improvements to event loop code.
* Implemented binding for new `libui` text drawing API.
* Simplified binding.gyp file using dynamic inclusion of sources.
* Add -fvisibility flag in binding.gyp to allow using yoga & libui-node together.
* Fixed some memory leaks.
* Add linter check to C++ files.
* Fixed UiArea bugs & add missing bindings.
* Removing unneeded controls macro.
* Removing unneeded `nbind` workaround in UiArea.
* Fix event loop on macOS Sierra.