Echo JS 0.11.0


anywhichway 2562 days ago. link 1 point
What are the specs of your test platform? I just installed locally Windows 10 64bit, 8GB, i7, 2.6GZ, node v8.1.3. Very different results. It also seems I can't create an Issue in your github respository. Do you have Issues turned off?:

Single param top 4:

 moize         │ 30,522,105 
fast-memoize  │ 23,692,264
micro-memoize │ 15,164,454
iMemoized     │ 9,512,034 (by anywhichway, not in your test suite)

Multiple pram:

 moize       | 17,628,577 
micro-memoize │ 9,016,574 
iMemoized     │ 8,114,019 (by anywhichway, not in your test suite)
 lru-memoize   │ 6,269,999 

Multiple param (objects - did not add iMemoized to suite)

 moize         │ 18,108,941
micro-memoize │ 10,661,604
lru-memoize   │ 6,255,101  
memoizee      │ 5,797,888 

My guess is if you take the time to build in browser tests, the results will be different yet again.