▲ Classwrap – Alternative to Classnames with Support for BEM-Namespacing at github.com▼19 up and 2 down, posted by jbucaran 2689 days ago 3 comments
bruno-c 2689 days ago. link 3 points ▲ ▼> It differs from classnames in that it does not accept variable arguments. Can't that be allowed with one line change? It would basically be a drop-in replacement.
davej 2686 days ago. link 2 points ▲ ▼I assume this is where some of the performance gains comes from. JS engines create `arguments` on-demand when needed, it's expensive (relative to just passing in an array). http://webreflection.blogspot.ie/2010/02/arguments-callee-call-and-apply.html
orebla1 2688 days ago. link 1 point ▲ ▼Coo. Here is in action https://sequential.js.org/live.html#DYewhgJgFA5AFgFwQBwM4C4D0mCuA7ZAawHMA6AYxAFtNzgxVUB3AJzGRgEoBuAKEryoQwAKalQxKHQbM2yKACIAZiBAKANAAIFAIzAsN2vQC8FnHkA