Echo JS 0.11.0


MaxArt 2540 days ago. link 3 points
?! Where does this comparison make sense?
Laravel is a fully-fledged MVC framework, where Node is just a JavaScript execution environment. A fair comparison would be between Laravel and Express.

And again, Express is just a barebone router with some template engines, whereas Laravel is a battery-included framework with a service container (as you mentioned), a config manager, a default ORM, a testing library and so on. It's more like Angular in this sense, but for back-end development.

Honestly I have a poor idea why Laravel is shipping with Vue now, since one of the most powerful things in Laravel is indeed the routing system. The choice itself to ship with yet another library - and purely a front-end library on top of that, since it can't be used for SSR - is quite against the current general philosophy to be as minimal as possible.
albertgao 2539 days ago. link 1 point
Agree with MaxArt, before I read this blog, I expected some answers like ‘Laravel is full featured framework’ where express.js is just a barebone…or, furthermore, in the node.js community, there is no such rivals…Sail.js can’t compete with Laravel ..And this is the only reason I could think of when it comes to the Laravel beats Express.js thing…. But The author didn’t mention….It seems that they just have a problem on learning javascript itself………….which is…..