Echo JS 0.11.0


planttheidea 2538 days ago. link 2 points
Is this literally just to avoid using setState in favor of seeing it directly? Cuz that kind of main will make the asynchronous setState API even less transparent to people that use this.
solkimicreb 2538 days ago. link 1 point
It completely avoids setState (doesn't call it in the background).

It fixes it in a sense that your state is updated synchronously. The state is just a plain object. If you update it, it gets updated. Renders are triggered asynchronously in a batch however to be performant.

Also setState can be troublesome when you deal with complex data structures - like arrays, collections or getters/setters. This is when this library really shines.
tracker1 2537 days ago. link 1 point
How does this perform with *very* large state trees and modifying smaller points?  It seems to me that the performance for comparing changes, or tracking changes would either mean a lot more memory usage, or be significantly slower with very large state trees.
tracker1 2535 days ago. link 1 point
No IE10-11 support should probably be spelled out on the homepage (per your observable dependency)... as many will be severely surprised when they find that out.
solkimicreb 2535 days ago. link 1 point
Which page do you mean? I have a platform support section on the GitHub page of both Easy State and the Observer Util.
tracker1 2532 days ago. link 1 point
Easy State doesn't seem to mention no IE support.