Echo JS 0.11.0


tracker1 3109 days ago. link 1 point
Grommet definitely had some nice features... I haven't seen that library before... 

One good thing about react is if given component libraries are well isolated, you can usually bring in `lib/component/foo` as a single component without bringing in the whole library.  It would allow you to use, for example, the stats from rebass and the form fields from material-ui.  Some libraries do use heavy/separate css, and would keep an eye out for that... if it isn't easy enough to only bring in what you need (via source import), then I would probably avoid such libraries.

It's probably best to create a common lib/components that brings in those components in your application individually, but only those you use... this way you can reuse by importing {Foo} from 'components' or SomeIcon from 'components/foo' aliasing components to your lib/components directory.

I think one should also point out react-icons, which collects the most popular icon libraries as svg icons, so you only bring in what is needed as react components... they seem to be normalizzed, so combining fontawesome icons with google's material icons works out okay (trying to use the font versions together has tended to be problematic).