I find that the lines may get muddled... Something that should reset if the page is reloaded should not go through redux/flux. This includes modals for a calendar control, search boxes, like in tfa, etc.
However, there are interactions, and states that should be part of the application state. A better example, even though it is per-control, would be form/control validation state... was a control focused, if so, then it should show a validated state, otherwise, it shouldn't until a submit is attempted.
There are other controls that may very well go either way. It really depends on your need. I can see the desire to separate the control state from application state, but really, it should be a matter of the guiding parent's feature that controls this... the containing feature's form/screen should have its' own data state, and that state should guid the lookup through a determined service. Then you can still have structured components, but then separate the logic not to a generic control provider, but the parent becoming responsible.