Echo JS 0.11.0


timoxley 3322 days ago. link 2 points
note that using old technology doesn't automatically make things simpler.
dar5hak 3322 days ago. link 1 point
Seconded. Using older/smaller tools does not rid you of the responsibility of writing clean, modular code, just because they don't enforce this practice as strongly as larger frameworks do.
wanda 3317 days ago. link 1 point
I see posts like this a lot. I think there is a fundamental confusion between what constitutes a web app and what is a simple website.

Websites for companies and the like certainly do not call for React, Angular or Ember etc. and may as well just use some responsibly written ES5 to handle things like UI animation, localStorage stuff for users etc.

WHen you start getting into app territory, you really should look at a client-side app for the sake of the end-user, and that really should mean selecting a framework and using it to keep your team's programming and your own code in check. If you develop solo, you should still consider a framework for an app, because why reinvent the wheel?
ben 3321 days ago. link 1 point
There's also the question of scalability.