Echo JS 0.11.0


ben 3660 days ago. link 4 points
Been loving the lean approach using Vue.js, collections.js, page.js and good plain old JS to cover all bases in a loosely coupled manner. I think Vue may have been developed in response to Angular's quirks.
davidchase 3660 days ago. link 3 points
I have never seen so much aversion for a particular framework,  not even for backbone or ember...
owly 3659 days ago. link 5 points
this is expected since it's an incredibly overrated framework.
o 3658 days ago. link -1 point
A framework that creates millions of dollars in revenue online is overrated?
owly 3654 days ago. link 1 point
It would not be the first one.
History is full of examples of overrated solutions sponsored by big players.

One example: IBM Websphere, Oracle WebLogic, ...
U_glow 3661 days ago. link 3 points
But still written from the perspective of an observer, not someone who's used Angular in the field. You can make unperformant websites with every JS library, if you choose to. And there are many ways (React?) to make component rendering more performant.  I would say the biggest benefit of Angular - which wasn't mentioned in the article - is the testability of the code that the DI patterns in Angular provide.
jonkemp 3661 days ago. link 3 points
Great and thoughtful article about Angular that makes a good point about the uphill battle Angular 2.0 is facing.
sylvainpv 3658 days ago. link 2 points
I do not understand why some people continue to believe that the templating has no place client side. It reminds me of a past era where pages were fully reloaded just to show an error message.
mkulke 3659 days ago. link 2 points
The article is on pretty much on spot when it comes to the corporate cargo cult aspect of AngularJS. But this should not be news to anyone working in an enterprise environment. This is actually the rule, technology is not necessarily chosen because of its adequacy for the task, but because of its reputation of being a sound tool (often this extends to expectations of customers, too). I suspect the percentage in the army of enterprise backend devs whose relationship with Java is red-hot love affair is pretty small.

The alternatives to AngularJS on the frontend in this arena are, mind you, indeed JSF and Ext f*cking JS. Interested parties seriously portrait using AngularJS as a risky endeavour because it does *not* provide you with everything you need on the frontend (,

Furthermore what the author is writing about the lack of AngularJS talent, seems quite ironic to me. AngularJS is about the only frontend technology, for which you can recruit somewhat skilled people (maybe that's specific to the situation in germany). In 2014 I took part in a lot of interviews for frontend jobs and it's 95% jQuery and 5% AngularJS, i've never had anyone applying who was proficient in Backbone, Ember, Knockout, or *gosh* React.

I mean, no one has the slightest clue about functional programming. While the progress in frontend technology is indeed breathtaking, the actual real-world frontend engineering is still rather depressing. So, looking at the alternatives i'm pretty grateful for AngularJS.
lyschoening 3659 days ago. link 1 point
The main problem with AngularJS is its module system and forced DI. And that can least theoretically be fixed.

If DOM performance is a concern, there would be nothing stopping AngularJS from e.g. using HTML templates to generate a VirtualDOM just like React.
josephclay 3656 days ago. link 1 point
Agreed. Anyone who uses CommonJS or RequireJS has to deal with a dual-DI system with Angular requiring the programmer maintaining an array of strings.