Echo JS 0.11.0

misan 70 days ago. link 2 points
I rarely see good javascript/webdev/typescript related blog articles here, which is what I'm actually in here for.

I'm not interested at all in release notes for example. Especially not minor or patch versions. I check out GitHub or the product website for that regularly. Although for some things like nodejs it's not that transparent. A separate website/service for release notes that collectively gathers summaries of updates and to promote new packages would be welcome to separate from the learning material. Part of development is also to hunt for good packages and components. Being able to see them in one place rather than scattered here would be better I believe.

I agree with you that Blockchain/Bitcoin does not belong here. When it comes to AI, the lines between programming and ai are blurry. I'm not interested in posts that try to sell their services to me, whereas news about js-related services such as Deno Deploy with generous free tier are welcome to me. 

I primarily use Echo JS to learn new techniques, methods, ways of doing something. These are sadly the minority of posts.


tracker1 70 days ago. link 1 point
Yeah, I don't get a lot from the majority of posts, I just try to at least curate the lower quality stuff out.  I don't mind posts on releases as long as they aren't like every week (multiple times a month).

I posted on the Node update a few weeks ago as I thought SQLite in the box was particularly noteworthy.

I could honestly do without most of the AI posts, and definitely the blockchain.  When it's an obvious service ad, I tend to delete, unless the post itself has value beyond that.

In general, blog posts seem to be a lot of hit and miss.  I'd also like to see a bit more discussion on the site, I know it's kind of hard and most are using it as a casual reader aggregate.  I do too.

Going to try to cross-post anything interesting from HN and some of the mailing lists I'm on.  I don't always keep up with it well, but would like to see things grow.  There's definitely room and definitely plenty of new content that can bring that out.